Fun facts about planet mars.
Fun facts about planet mars.

Do you know only 16 out of 39 Mars missions have been successful? With the beginning of the USSR’s Marsnik 1, launched in 1960. 39 orbiters, landers and rovers have been missioned to mars but out of those 16 were successful. Europe’s Exobiology is discovering signs of Martian life as well as study the surface and land of the planet and map potential environmental hazards to future missions to Mars.
It was once believed to be home to intelligent life. From the discoveries of lines on the surface called Canali by an Italien astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli that he believed these lines were not naturally originating and were made as proof for intelligent life. However, later it was discovered to be an optical illusion.
The red planet experiences huge dust storms and a fun fact that these storms are the largest in our solar system. This is because of the elliptical shape of the planet’s orbit path around the Sun. The orbit circumference is more elongated than many of the other planets and this results in ferocious dust storms.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

Fun facts about planet mars.

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